💻Useful Commands

Key management

Add new key

tgrade keys add <key_name>

Recover existing key

tgrade keys add <key_name> --recover

List of all keys

tgrade keys list

Tokens and Staking

Tgrade uses Proof-of-Engagement consensus and do not currently support delegations to other validators

Send tokens from key_name to destination_address

tgrade tx bank send <key_name> <destination_address> <amount>utgd --from <key_name> --chain-id tgrade-mainnet-1 --gas-prices 0.05utgd --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y 

Unbond tokens from your validator

tgrade tx poe unbond <amount>utgd--from <key_name> --chain-id tgrade-mainnet-1 --gas-prices 0.05utgd --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Withdraw rewards from your validator

tgrade tx wasm execute $(tgrade q poe contract-address DISTRIBUTION -o json |jq -r '.address') '{"withdraw_rewards":{}}' --from <key_name>--chain-id=tgrade-mainnet-1 --gas-prices=0.05utgd --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Claim engagement rewards

tgrade tx wasm execute $(tgrade q poe contract-address ENGAGEMENT -o json |jq -r '.address') '{"withdraw_rewards":{}}' --from <key_name> --chain-id=tgrade-mainnet-1 --gas-prices=0.05utgd  --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y


Vote yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain on proposal

tgrade tx wasm execute $(tgrade q poe contract-address VALIDATOR_VOTING -o json  | jq -r '.address') '{"vote":{"proposal_id":<proposal_id>,"vote":"<voting_option>"}}' --from StakeAngle --chain-id=tgrade-mainnet-1 --gas-prices=0.05utgd  --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto -y

Last updated